Sam and Cat Wiki
"Ariana turned to her security and ordered, “Make sure she deleted those.”

Read the article here:

According to this family, Ariana has become a mean-spirited diva who is cold towards her fans and acts above everyone else.

Ariana has responded and said that she was taken aback by the photo the girl gave her. It was apparently a photo of her recently deceased grandfather and that she is still mourning over the loss and didn't want them to see her upset. Also, the boy who also won the contest said that the story was greatly exaggerated.

Anyway, the girls who are apparently "Ariana fans" are on Twitter trying to spread the link and get their attention. Arianators are tweeting them hateful comments and trying to (and I quote one of them) "bully her into killing herself".

Also, I've tried to post comments on a positive note about Ariana but the father (who clearly must've not went to work today or have anything better to do o.o) deletes them after 10 minutes so that only negative comments of Ariana remain.
